It came a a bit of a surprise to learn that there had been criticism of Friarsgate Surgery, where I have been a patient for the last 24 years (Chronicle, July 27). 

Not only have I found the doctors looking after me during that time to be conscientious, very competent and ready to react, immediately, to problems that arise, they have been proactive, as well. 

I do not waste their time by making appointments that, subsequently, turn out to be unnecessary, but I write explaining my problem, have an immediate response, telling me to go to see Mr./Dr. Suchandsuch at the hospital at a specific time, or have an appointment made for me to see the doctor, or told, very politely, words to the effect that I'm just getting old and must expect such a thing to happen. 

It's a simple, straightforward and time-saving method of communication, wasting neither my time, nor, and much more importantly, the time of my hard-working doctor and the clinic's staff - and it works well.

John Seager Green,
St Cross Road,
St Cross,

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