POLICE in Winchester are stopping more people for drug-related incidents than any other offences, figures reveal. 

Winchester Police's stop and search data showed that 102 people had been stopped for drug reasons with 22 for stolen goods. 

The figures, which covers January to March, also show a decline in the number of stops from 197 in the last three months of 2023 to 143. 

The number of arrested fell from 18 to 13. The data revealed that black people are 7.8 times more likely than white people to be stopped and searched. 

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Reasons for stops were given as drugs – 102, stolen goods – 22, offensive weapon – 11, going equipped – four and article – criminal damage – four.

Korine Bishop, Winchester chief inspector, said: “The largest proportion of our stops in this quarter related to drugs searches, which accounted for around 71 per cent of the overall total. This is in line with our district priority, with officers focusing attention on the harm caused by drugs and drug-related activity.

“While we have seen a slight decrease in the overall number of searches conducted by our officers, a look at the same period last year shows us this is consistent with that timescale.

“Around 15 per cent of our stops related to theft offences, with the majority of these linked to those we know will persistently shoplift and we work hard within force and with partners to tackle this. One of the things we have implemented as part of this is ten criminal behaviour orders.

“Our independent scrutiny panel has reviewed the data for stops, in particular our data for the disproportionality of searches. The panel were satisfied with the sample they reviewed and rational given in searches when they looked at this.”