THE Dean of Winchester has taken time off work amid turmoil at the cathedral over the future of choral music. 

The Very Rev Dean Catherine Ogle has been at the centre of a storm over the departure of the director of music Andrew Lumsden and widespread concerns about the running of the music department, ooverseen by the precentor Andy Trenier.

The cathedral in a statement said today: "Dean Catherine is taking some time off and fully expects to return shortly. Precentor Andy Trenier is on light duties."

READ MORE: Winchester Cathedral 'welcomes' independent review

This comes after the Bishop of Winchester, Philip Mounstephen, ordered an independent review.

In a statement today the bishop appealed for calm and gave more detail about the highly unusual intervention. He said: "On 18 June, I announced that I would be commissioning a Review of Winchester Cathedral under the terms of the Cathedrals’ Measure 2021. This measure states that: “the bishop may commission a review of such aspects of the cathedral’s financial affairs, governance, management, operations or mission as the bishop considers necessary or appropriate.”  I am now pleased to confirm that Patti Russell of Winckworth Sherwood, a highly experienced ecclesiastical lawyer with expertise both in the area of cathedral governance and leadership and HR matters, will be conducting the Review on my behalf.

"The precise terms and scope of the Review are now being finalised. However, whilst the Review will of course focus on areas which have been the subject of public concern, it is important to stress that its aim is primarily pastoral. The recommendations which it gives me will, I trust, enable Winchester Cathedral to move into a more settled future in which it continues to offer worship to God of the highest quality, and to act as a sign of his welcome and love to all who enter into it. After a very difficult and painful period I would ask all those concerned to approach the work of the review with grace and trust so that together we can play our part in ensuring the Cathedral enters into that positive and fruitful future."

It comes after the resignation of Mark Byford, the senior non-executive member of Winchester Cathedral Chapter.

Mr Byford, former deputy director general of the BBC who lives in Winchester, said he resigned with 'deep reluctance and disappointment' after joining the Chapter in 2017. 

His departure came amid concerns over the future of music at the cathedral.

Initial concerns emerged following the announcement that the director of music at Winchester Cathedral, Dr Andrew Lumsden, would be stepping down at the end of July.

Former choristers had also expressed their fears over the departures of organist Claudia Grinnell and, in 2021, George Castle.

Toshi Ogita, chorister and professional singer who deputises for the Lay Clerks, broke ranks to write a public letter to the bishop asking him to intervene.

The Dean has previously said that it is working to address concerns over the future of music at the cathedral - and has committed to investing £850,000 into improving it.