WINCHESTER'S Reform UK candidate has said he wants a return to 'the Britain I once knew and cherished'.

Sean Whelan will be one of nine candidates Winchester voters can choose from on July 4.

The businessman said: “I became involved in local politics having lost faith in the Conservatives who have become entrenched in party politics instead of representing the people who voted for them. 

“The people of Winchester constituency have told me they have had enough of the same old messages with the same old outcome. Broken promises and mismanagement at the highest level with no thought or consideration for the electors who have become disengaged with local and national issues which is a sad reality of this current Tory government and its alternatives.

“Nationally I believe our country is no longer in safe hands from the established parties, and especially the "establishment", I now want to return to the Britain I once knew and cherished.

Sean Whelan (Image: Contributed)

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“One which positively encourages free-speech no matter how uncomfortable, maintains its sovereignty and borders, does not bend the knee to international organisations which do not have our interests at heart, and, a country whose proud and successful past informs our children's future.

“I know that the majority of British people think the way we in Reform UK do, and they have been continually punished by the international globalists, and those within our own parliament, since we did not vote the way, we were told in 2016. Therefore, I genuinely feel there is a strong chance Reform UK will win big at the General Election 2024, and I want to play my part in that.

“If you feel that you, your children and your country's future are ebbing away before your very eyes, then support me and all the other brave and honourable Reform UK candidates actively standing up for Britain. We will stand up for everyone who believes in our beautiful country.”

In Winchester the candidates in alphabetical order, are: Independent, Chris Barfoot; Liberal Democrat, Danny Chambers; Independent, Kevin D'Cruze; Social Democratic Party, Andrew Davis; Labour, Hannah Dawson; Conservative, Flick Drummond; Green, Lorraine Estelle; Hampshire Independents, Andy Liming; and Reform UK, Sean Whelan.