ROMSEY town centre is due to be adorned with knitted bollard toppers for the seventh time.

The annual tradition started in 2017 and sees a variety of knitted covers on bollards around The Hundred, to brighten up the town centre.

It was conceived as a community project, part of a wider Art in The Test Valley project and initiated by Dorothy Baverstock, a town councillor at the time.

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Romsey bollard covers last year (Image: Contributed)

Trish Foreman, one of the organisers, said: “It proved to be very popular so we now do it every year. The town hall continues to actively support it, but basically it is myself and a few volunteer helpers who organise it. 

“Over the years it has grown, we have many groups, local charities, organisations such as local WIs and the U3A, schools, and private individuals who create the sleeves, it is open to all. There is usually a theme, this year it is Life on Earth.  In the past we have linked our theme to some event going on in the town, but this year it is simply a theme we hoped would appeal.

“Last year we had a total of 97 bollards dressed, this year I hope we will have over 100.”

The bollards will be dressed on June 28.