A HAMPSHIRE choir is preparing for a concert with words by William Shakespeare. 

The Romsey Choral Society will be at the Hospital of St Cross, in Winchester, on Saturday, July 6 with the concert starting at 7.30pm. 

The performance will be conducted by Richard Pearce, with Richard McVeigh on piano. 

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St Cross Church (Image: Contributed)

It will feature a selection of works that use Shakespeare as either a lyricist or inspiration and focuses mainly on compositions of different styles from the 20th and 21st centuries, including some of the earliest settings from the 17th century. 

The repertoire includes pieces by George Shearing, Will Todd, Leonard Bernstein and others. 

Tickets cost £15 and £10 for students. They can be bought by visiting ticketsource.co.uk/romsey-choral-society or on the door.