LANDLORDS of a Hampshire country pub, who had never pulled a pint before they took over, are celebrating their 10th anniversary. 

Mandy and Peter Boxall took on the Fox Inn in Bramdean in 2014. 

When they moved into the 400 year old pub, Mr Boxall admitted “We had never pulled a pint until the opening. It’s a bit extreme I must admit, but I do like real ales anyway."

However, 10 years on they have survived as a traditional family pub through road closures, Covid and more. 

Just before the pandemic, Mandy and Peter's daughter Josie Patrahau took over the day-to-day operations. 

READ MORE: The new landlords at Fox Inn who have never pulled a pint

Reflecting on the pub's rich history and the last ten years, Mandy said: “The pub has seen English Civil War with a March 29 1644 battle just a stone's throw from The Fox near Cheriton and the now A272 and visits from the Prince of Wales, soon to be King George IV, for refreshments in the early 19th century. Hence the plume of feathers displayed on the outside of the pub carved from oak and transcribed "Ich dien", the motto of the Prince of Wales. 

Mandy and Peter Boxall in 2014 (Image: Contributed)

“Built as a traditional coaching inn, it has evolved over the years eventually obtaining a Grade II listing in the 1970s after much alterations. 

“The pub still inspires stories including Bramdean's own Romeo and Juliet in the shape of the landlady's daughter and a local farm boy. Their bodies are buried in the nearby church.”

She added: “Moving on to recent history, the pub went into decline and was sold to us from Greene King Brewery and was virtually derelict. Upstairs was uninhabitable and the road suffered from severe flooding the year we purchased The Fox. 

“As you can imagine, a lot of hard work and money went into restoring the pub to be able to open for trade. 

“The pub has now survived various trials and tribulations including road closures and the Covid virus which brought many public houses to their knees. 

“We survived selling take-out beer, cider and food. Then adapting the business by making outside space in line with government guidelines. 

“We are now moving through our tenth year with great positivity and gratefulness to all our stalwart customers and we would love to thank them all for their continued support during three births, sad funerals and weddings. We are celebrating with 10 monthly events. Next is a rhythm and blues band with American style food in July. 

“We pride ourselves on being one of only a few traditional pubs with our own individuality and quirkiness. A main draw to many is our beautiful surroundings in the South Downs National Park.”