Professionals, academics and charity chiefs have met to discuss solar energy in Hampshire.

The Rooftop Solar Conference 2024, held on June 14, explored innovations in solar energy to enhance the protection of the countryside.

The conference, organised by the Countryside Charity Hampshire, explored the vital role rooftop solar energy plays in achieving net zero, tackling the climate crisis and protecting the landscapes and green spaces of Hampshire.

Experts drew the conclusion that government targets must be re-evaluated in order to maximise land resources and protect the countryside.

READ MORE: Winchester planning: Bishop's Waltham solar farm plans approved

The event poster (Image: CPRE)

In addition, people must consider all potential opportunities for rooftop solar, including projects of different sizes and the role of community energy initiatives.

There was also the proposition that a rooftop solar map, created by The University of Southampton's energy & climate team, could help guide investment and decision-making in Hampshire.

Climate change has been one of the focal points of this year's general election.

Hampshire County Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and residents in Winchester have been particularly supportive of the Liberal Democrats, who pledge to clean up rivers and focus on climate change.

Planning policy was a theme, with particular emphasis placed on the limited amount of land available to construct solar energy sites.