A dealer who hid cocaine in his underwear has been handed an 18-month suspended sentence at Winchester Crown Court.

Afrim Bardhoshi, 47, of Waters Drive, Staines, pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply a class A drug on March 6 at Basingstoke Magistrates Court.

Judge Mr Recorder Dow said the mitigating factors were sufficient for him to reduce the sentence to 18 months and suspend it over a period of two years.

At around 3.40pm on March 4, Bardhoshi was pulled over by police at junction 11 on the M3 near Winchester.

READ MORE: Man charged with intent to supply Class-A drugs by Winchester cops

34 packets of cocaine were found in Bardhoshi's underwear (Image: Stock)

Officers found £660 in cash on his person and he was arrested.

Mr Recorder Dow said: “You were then taken to the police station where officers found 34 sealed bags of cocaine in your underwear each of about half a gram in weight, so around 17 grams in total.

“The cash, you said, was what was left over from a transaction.

“You accept that you were involved in the supply of drugs and that the cash was the proceeds of criminal activity.”

Philip Evans, mitigating, argued that Bardhoshi should be given a suspended sentence.

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He said: “He’s not an offender who presents any risk to the public. It’s clear there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation and he has strong personal mitigation. He’s a man of 47 years of age, with a family. He’s hard-working."

Mr Evans also pointed out Bardhoshi’s intention to set up a gardening and landscaping business.

Matilda Robinson-Murphy, prosecuting, appeared in court via video link and had nothing to add.

Mr Recorder Dow told Bardhoshi: “You have no convictions or cautions in this country but you do have one previous conviction in Albania for assisting unlawful immigration.

“There are no other aggravating factors.

“You have shown genuine remorse. That is reflected in the very positive effort you have made while you have been in custody.

“I also take into account that you have a family including a young daughter, who are dependent on you.

“In all these circumstances I consider the sentence can properly be suspended.”

The judge ruled that, had the case gone to trial, the starting point for a custodial sentence would have been 27 months, but also said that the mitigating factors were substantial.

In addition to the suspended sentence, Bardhoshi was ordered to carry out 120 hours of community service during the next 12 months and to submit himself to a rehabilitation programme.

It was also ruled that the seized drugs should be destroyed and the cash found on Bardhoshi should be given to Hampshire police.