On Tuesday, June 18 at around 6.30am I fell over when going to the underpass near Swan Lane to get to the train station. 

My head met the metal handrail and there I was sat on floor dazed and confused with blood pouring from the nasty wound on my head.

Lucky for me a man walked past and quickly came to my aid. He rang the ambulance and had tissues which he pressed against my head. He was from Slovakia which is only important because he told me his name was George but that was the English version of the Slovakian name. Whilst on the phone to the ambulance another angel appeared. I believe her name was Lizzie. She had more tissues and also spoke to the ambulance. She then forced the Co-op to open early and give her first aid supplies! Another kind lady stopped to help and got me water etc.

Lizzie and George stayed with me until the ambulance came. A 25/30 minute wait. They kept me alert, they took care of me and must have missed trains to work etc. I am writing this because I want to say thank you. Thank you for your absolute kindness to a stranger and for showing that there are still good people in this world. I am now home with a stuck-together head and concussion but I will be ok. 

Lara Badger,
Quarry Road,

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