A WINCHESTER General Election candidate recently took the plunge for a spot of cold water swimming. 

Danny Chambers, Liberal Democrat, visited Compton Lock in Twyford to meet Rachel Jones, a supporter of Hampshire Open Water Swimming.

The Lib Dems have made tackling the sewage crisis a key issue during this election campaign. The party said it will create the Clean Water Authority, a tough new regulator with powers to take decisive action on water companies.

The Clean Water Authority will ban bonuses for water company bosses, revoke the licence of poorly performing water companies swiftly, and force water firms to publish the full scale of their sewage spills.

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Danny Chambers and Rachel Jones  (Image: Contributed)

Mr Chambers said: “People are angry that Conservative MPs in the last parliament consistently voted to let sewage into our streams. 

“It is frustrating water companies pay out mega-profits to shareholders but neglect their primary job of looking after our waterways.

“Liberal Democrats would establish the Clean Water Authority to force water companies to clean up their act.”

Ms Jones said: “Lots of local people really care about this issue and want to see the government take action to clean up the mess caused by the water companies.

“Clean water should be a basic right, not something for shareholders to make a quick buck from. Wild swimming is great for people’s mental health, it’s a shame that the sewage crisis is putting people off from enjoying nature.

“I'm pleased Danny Chambers is highlighting the issue of sewage spills during this election.”

In Winchester the candidates in alphabetical order, are: Independent, Chris Barfoot; Liberal Democrat, Danny Chambers; Independent, Kevin D'Cruze; Social Democratic Party, Andrew Davis; Labour, Hannah Dawson; Conservative, Flick Drummond; Green, Lorraine Estelle; Hampshire Independents, Andy Liming; and Reform UK, Sean Whelan.