The annual Twyford Village games were held this year at Hunter Park.

On Sunday, June 9, teams of Twyford kids, divided into red, yellow, blue and green, battled it out in sack races, space hopper races, egg and spoon, relays and tug of war. 

City councillor Sue Cook was there to commentate.

(Image: Hayley Fitzhenry)

This year's winners were the yellow team (for the first time in the school's history) with 185 points, beating last year's winners, the blue team, who got 120 points.

Some £1,800 was raised through donations for the Twyford Playgroup.

Hayley Fitzhenry, who photographed the event extensively, said: "It was fantastic, it was so lovely to see the whole village taking part in this event."

In order to raise that money, people who took part in the races paid a donation, There was also a raffle with plenty of prizes on offer, as well as a food stall.