Residents at a Winchester dementia care home marked the 80th anniversary of D-Day with a street party-style community lunch.

Joining the diners at Colten Care’s St Catherine's View were guests including Winchester vicar Chris Whittaker and city councillor Jamie Scott.

Chris held a brief service to commemorate those who fought and died on D-Day, after which residents, staff and visitors came together to share thoughts and memories. 

(Image: St Catherines View)

The lunch featured classic British fare including gala pies, mini Woolton pies and cheese scones, and for dessert trifle and blancmange.

There was also an opportunity to sing along with wartime tunes performed by visiting entertainer Retro Rita.

The D-Day anniversary prompted events, visits and get-togethers at all 21 Colten Care homes in Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and West Sussex.

(Image: St Catherines View)

Elaine Farrer, Colten Care’s chief operating officer, said: “D-Day continues to inspire and act as a reminder of the bravery of our armed forces and the loved ones they left behind for the price of our freedom.

“With many of our residents having service histories themselves and even personal wartime memories, it was a privilege to facilitate events and opportunities to commemorate the 80th anniversary on their behalf.”