Winchester Cathedral has many national treasures, one of them is Andrew Lumsden who was and is director of music at the cathedral for the past 20 years.

Along with other correspondents it's difficult to believe that Andrew would voluntarily resign from his post when at the peak of his powers as a choirmaster and a conductor of choral music with national orchestras and soloists.

In the absence of clarity about his departure rumours abound especially with the last two issues of Private Eye, no doubt written by a Cathedral mole, suggesting that Andrew was pressurised to resign.

Needless to say there has been a howl of protests from choral scholars, lay clerks and singers and the public, all of whom have been have rejoiced under Andrew's very capable baton.

To counter the rumours and let us know what really happened, one hopes that the Dean and Chapter will be forthcoming so we can better understand this crisis.

Lastly, wishful thinking, I know: is it too late for Andrew to be welcomed back?

John Harding, CBE

St John Street
