Rupert Pitt’s letter (Chronicle, May 30) discusses the indebtedness of some of Hampshire’s local authorities and in particular he highlights the dire situation at Eastleigh Borough Council. Despite warnings and advice from central government and the Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy about excessive borrowing, local politicians in Eastleigh insist they know best.

Moody’s, the top independent international credit rating agency, has also expressed concern and named Eastleigh as the third most ‘at risk’ council in England. They go on to say that Eastleigh’s borrowing level is 41 times its annual income.

Mr Pitt, however, quotes incorrect figures for Eastleigh’s councillors. The Lib Dems currently hold 35 of the 39 seats in the Borough with the remaining four held by three Independents and one Conservative. The council has had a Lib Dem majority since 1994 and the same leader for all of those 30 years.

Now Eastleigh’s Lib Dems want us to elect one of their councillors to be our next Member of Parliament which would compound the present situation even more. It would mean more over development and more debt. No scrutiny. No second opinion. Nobody held to account.

Eastleigh has unequivocally morphed from democracy to autocracy.

E Wright,

Alexandra Road,

Chandler’s Ford,
