HUNDREDS of people came out to remember D-Day at a tribute in Otterbourne.

The event took place in Otterbourne Common at 9pm on Thursday, June 6.

The tribute was led by retired naval officer Vice-Admiral Sir Charles Montgomery, who gave a speech before lighting a memorial beacon.

The Royal British Legion Standard was raised and carried at the event by David Shore.

Members of the Otterbourne Theatre Company sang wartime songs, and there was also a performance by Otterbourne Brass.

The event, organised by Otterbourne and Allbrook parish councils, was to remember the D-Day operation on the 80th anniversary of the military action.

The landings, on June 6, 1944, were the largest seaborne invasion in history. 

READ MORE: Test Valley town preparing for D-Day 80th anniversary event

Along with the airborne operations, it marked the beginning of the liberation of France and Western Europe. 

Other memorial events have taken place throughout the week, including a memorial dinner held by the Kings Worthy Royal British Legion and a special service at Winchester Cathedral.

To view a full gallery of photos from the event, click the image at the top of the article.