The Battle of Cheriton will be re-enacted on its original site for its 380th anniversary by The Sealed Knot, a historical society.

The festivities, set to take place on the weekend of July 27-28, will also include demonstrations by The Napoleonic Society and The American Civil War Society, as well as representations of the Medieval and Viking eras.

The event will take place in the field where the Royalists and the Roundheads originally clashed: Scrubbs Farm between Bishop's Sutton and Cheriton.

Before that, however, The Sealed Knot will be drumming up excitement in full battle gear on Saturday, July 6.

Hampshire Chronicle: Battle of Cheriton.

There will be staged battles and live historical displays where visitors can interact with the people of the past. A variety of food stalls will serve a variety of food and there will be a beer tent.

The Battle of Cheriton took place on March 29, 1644, and proved a turning point in the English Civil War. King Charles' forces were decisively beaten by the Parliamentarians, effectively ending the Royalists' hopes of retaking the South East.