I understand Will Fowler’s point in his letter asking why is there a need to lock up the War Memorial Park tennis courts as it should not be necessary. 

However, as a regular user I have witnessed on countless occasions the courts being used to play football with the outer fencing taking particular punishment. 

The consequential damage can clearly be seen at various points around the courts where the wire fencing has broken away from the securing wooden battens. 

There is also the matter of the courts being used for exercising dogs, a regular occurrence in the early mornings. On more than one occasion dog mess has been on the courts when turning up to play. 

When I pointed out to one group recently that they shouldn’t be using the courts to exercise their dogs I received a very hostile response.

The local authority has delivered very good quality courts that if treated with respect and used only for the purpose intended will continue to provide a free facility to all tennis players for some time to come. 

The addition of a locked gate will help to keep the courts in good condition. The introduction of a booking system ensures that a court will be available when turning up to play rather than taking pot luck and not knowing if or when a court will be available.

Jim Philbin,
Millstream Rise, 

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