WINCHESTER election candidate Flick Drummond spent an evening with the Street Pastors learning about the work they do to keep people safe.

The pastors have been patrolling the city centre since 2011, providing reassurance and guidance to people out late at night from 10pm to 3am.

Mrs Drummond said: “Lots of the bars were packed and lots of young people were enjoying the warm evening as we walked around.

Hampshire Chronicle: Flick Drummond with the Street PastorsFlick Drummond with the Street Pastors (Image: Flick Drummond)

“We gave out food and lollipops and loads of people seemed to know about the lollipops.

READ MORE: Flick Drummond and Damian Hinds host fraud and scams advice forum

“It was also good to see several police officers were out on the beat.

“A massive thank you to Graham Simpson and his team for looking after me, I am afraid I chickened out at 12.30am as I had a busy day but I am full of admiration for everything they are doing.”

Graham said: “We go and talk to people and make sure they get home safely we’re listening and so if anyone’s got a problem and they’re concerned or they’re concerned about something in life they can stop and have a chat.”