TWO Winchester artists have been included in a book raising money for two charities.

Kate White and Tommy Smith's work is in A Legacy of Love which has been compiled by Ann Blake, who lives in Godshill, New Forest.

The book is raising money for Muscular Dystrophy UK and Dog Aid UK and includes artwork by former Squeeze musician Jools Holland. 

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Ann said: “I had a dream about doing a book full of beautiful artwork and inspiring words. I wanted it to be left on people's coffee tables and to be picked up on days when life doesn’t feel so good.

Hampshire Chronicle: Ann Blake

“I've collected over 50 original artwork pieces from around the world, including many celebrities who include Jools Holland, Gilson Lavis - his drummer, Karen Attenborough and Nic Fiddian Green. The book has beautiful words which have come together as an inspirational book to raise money to help find a cure for muscular dystrophy and help disabled people access training for service dogs which are life changing.

“Through some amazing friends from around the globe this book is now a reality. It is called A Legacy of Love. All proceeds are going to two charities Muscular Dystrophy UK and Dog Aid UK.”

For more details and to donate, visit To buy the book go to