WINCHESTER City Council has approved an application for a three-bedroom house in the rear garden of a Bishop’s Waltham property.

Craig Tickner applied for permission to build the new, semi-detached property in Princes Close.

The council planning committee approved the plans on Thursday, May 23.

Gorden Campbell, of Elizabeth Way, objected to the plan.

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He said: “Parking is at a premium at Princes Close. It is not unreasonable to expect that with the existing four and the new three bedrooms, there could be up to seven cars, taking into account adult children of the occupants.”

He continued: “The proposed dwelling will have a considerable impact on the host dwelling, taking up two-thirds of its garden.

“We believe that this development detracts from the surrounding environment. We urge the committee to consider our objections and deny permission.”

Cllr Ritchie Latham objected to the plans, saying: “These plans do not seem to recognise the constraints of the site, nor respond positively to the local context of the design scale and layout. Looking at the plans, the scale of the proposed dwelling is not in keeping with the houses that surround it on Princes Close. The proposed structure will dwarf them.

Hampshire Chronicle: Plan of the proposed additional housePlan of the proposed additional house (Image: Winchester City Council)

“Elizabeth Way is one of the busiest roads in Bishop’s Waltham – it leads to the Priory Park Recreation Ground, home to many sporting facilities. At busy times, the overflow parking from Priory Park already backs up the parking on Elizabeth Way and into the adjoining residential streets.”

Mr Tickner told the committee that other properties in Princes Close have gone through major changes in the last few years.

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He said: “Of the 10 houses in the close, four have had major developments to their properties, changing the look and appearance from the front, the back and the side.

“One has a two-storey side extension, two have had new loft rooms, and one has a converted garage to a room, so there has already been a significant change to the close.

“In regard to parking, in July 2023, Bishop’s Waltham Parish Council received planning permission to increase parking at Parish Park for 26 car parking spaces. We are using parking hard stands the previous two owners used for many years. Now that trees to the front of our property have been removed, there will be a lot more visibility of Princes Close and into Elizabeth Way.”

Cllr Jane Rutter, chair of the planning committee, said that she had visited the site of the proposed build, saying: “It’s very tight, but I do believe that it is possible, and I think the semi-detached approach is the best approach.

“It is on a corner, but there is existing access and parking area. From the comments of the proposer, I think the sightlines will be improved.

“Bearing in mind all the considerations, and these closes and access towards the play areas are going to have pressure on parking, I am content that it is an acceptable addition to the close.”

The application was approved with six votes in favour, two against and one abstention.