THE Green Party has announced their candidate for the Winchester constituency at the coming General Election.

Lorraine Estelle has been chosen and is the sixth confirmed candidate. 

She said: "I am honoured to have been chosen as the Green Party’s candidate for Winchester. In recent years, more and more people have realised that far from being just about the environment, the Green Party stands for a way of doing politics differently and for pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country – and that Green Party politicians can be trusted to have the integrity people expect.

“It’s clear for everyone to see that our country is in a total mess: politics as usual hasn’t worked - we need a new approach for real hope and real change. That’s why the Green Party has grown so rapidly. Since Malcolm Wallace was elected as our first Green Party councillor in the Winchester district, we have doubled the number of councillors year on year, including the first councillor seat at Hampshire County Council only a few weeks ago.

READ MORE: Malcolm Wallace seizes first county council seat for Greens

Hampshire Chronicle: Lorraine Estelle

“Addressing the cost-of-living crisis also means rapid action to tackle both the climate and nature emergencies. Tackling these crises together will make local residents and businesses better off. Our plan for a new UK law to address the full extent of the climate and nature crises, in line with the most up-to-date science, will be front and centre of our policies. Harmony is needed between the social, environmental and economic triple challenges to build a much fairer Britain. These three essentials must be taken forward together.

“The health and social care system needs immediate attention and investment to ensure dignity for all. The NHS has suffered from a lack of investment over the years, and services in Winchester and beyond are under a huge strain. Councils are struggling with the increasing cost of social care. Our reforms could help them too.”

She added: “In Winchester, water companies have polluted our rare and precious chalk streams with raw sewage, which is unacceptable. We need to shift our economy's focus towards a sustainable planet and people, rather than prioritising profits. If you agree with me that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will get Britain back on its feet after the turmoil of recent years, please vote for me at the next General Election.”

The confirmed candidates for the Winchester constituency are: Flick Drummond (Conservative), Danny Chambers (Liberal Democrat), Kevin D'Cruze (independent), Hannah Dawson (Labour), Andrew Davis (Social Democratic Party) and Lorraine Estelle (Green).

The election will be held on Thursday, July 4.