If the polls are to be believed it’s the Conservatives' election to lose, not necessarily though Labour's to win? 

We are already seeing the real Starmer. A most unprincipled human being like nothing that's been seen before. 

Someone that is so driven by a lust for power would rather welcome Natalie Elphicke as a comrade rather than bring back Dianne Abbott and who couldn’t stop praising his former friend Corbyn then threw him under the bus for fake antisemitism charges, saying he was never a friend! 

He should have told Elphicke to Foxtrot Oscar. With Corbyn and Abbott probably now being forced to stand as independents he also has George Galloway to deal with in the north, who could do as much damage to Labour as Reform do to the Tories. Starmer has had a very easy ride so far from the media and establishment, it is now time to hold him to account. 

Be very careful what you wish for. And finally, have you noticed that Ed Davey and Kier Starmer have refrained from criticising each other? Could this mean “coalition”? Because the Liberals are so far down the pecking order now behind Reform and the Greens, this is probably the only way they’ll ever get a chance to see the door to number 10? 

At least Winchester continues to be Labour-free probably pushed further down from fourth to fifth behind Reform maybe? 

John Airey,
Mortimer Close,
Kings Worthy 

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