It is disappointing to see the voting records of our representatives in Westminster on their opportunity to influence climate change. We all try to do our bit on this existential threat which is already affecting us in several ways and will affect future generations even more so.

The recently released VoteClimate report contains a survey of MPs voting patterns on climate issues since 2010. VoteClimate is an independent group supported by academics and people involved in particular aspects of environmental protection such as Feargal Sharkey and Chris Packham.

The report summarises the voting record of parliamentarians on 30 parliamentary votes which would have helped action on climate. It contains data on bills in parliament on domestic energy efficiency, VAT on installation of energy-saving materials, decarbonisation and carbon capture, emission limits, burning peat, and several financial bills related to limiting environment-damaging investments.

Our MPs are near the bottom of the list. Steve Brine has voted twice in favour of action on climate and 28 times against. Flick Drummond has voted 18 times against climate action and no times in favour.

If our representatives aren’t stepping up to the challenge of climate change, all our efforts will be diminished.

Charles Jennings,

Stanmore Lane,



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