THE Gurkha Museum Trust is holding an activity day to teach visitors the role that Gurkha soldiers play in earthquake relief in Nepal.

Taking place at the museum, based at the former Penisula Barracks on Tuesday, May 28, visitors are invited to be part of ‘Operation Build Brave: The Gurkha Lego Mission’ and discover the role that Gurkhas play in disaster relief efforts.

Children and parents will be able to engineer a LEGO model vehicle. Once constructed the creation will be pivotal in navigating a course filled with objectives to help provide aid to civilians in Nepal following an earthquake.

As well as being the site of the tallest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas, Nepal and its surrounding countries are often the site of destructive earthquakes and other seismic activity.

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Often occurring without warning these events can cause huge devastation requiring immediate response.

Gurkha soldiers have often been called upon to provide emergency aid after earthquakes including in 2015 when Gurkhas were deployed as a part of Operation MARMAT to provide emergency aid to Nepal.

Visit the Gurkha Museum website to book your slot for Operation Brave Build. Each family session will last an hour, costs £5 per family group, and is suitable for all ages seven and above.