WINCHESTER voters are preparing to go to the polls after Rishi Sunak called a General Election for July 4. 

Mr Sunak, who has been Prime Minister since October 2022, has called the election after months of speculation about its date.

The Winchester constituency has been held by Conservative Steve Brine since 2010. However, he announced he would be stepping down.

Flick Drummond, the MP in the soon to be removed Meon Valley constituency, is the new Conservative candidate. 

At the last election in 2019, the Conservative beat the Liberal Democrats by just 985 votes. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Flick Drummond

As well Ms Drummond, the other confirmed candidates are: Danny Chambers (Lib Dem), Hannah Dawson (Labour), Andrew Davis (Social Democratic Party), Lorraine Estelle (Green), Kevin D'Cruze (Independent), Chris Barfoot (Independent), Andy Liming (Hampshire Independents) and Sean Whelan (Reform UK). 

READ MORE: General Election: Who is standing to be Romsey's next MP?

Ms Drummond said: "Now that the long-awaited General Election has finally been called, I'm looking forward to getting out on the doorsteps to talk about local issues and our plan for Winchester.

"The choice is a simple one. Vote for Keir Starmer who has no plan for the country or for Rishi Sunak and the government continuing with their plan to supercharge the economy, to get immigration under control and delivering a new state of the art hospital for residents of Winchester.

"So look out for me on your doorstep. I'm really looking forward to getting out to campaign and let's hope on July 4 I will be the new MP for Winchester."

Mr Chambers said: “This election is a once-in-a-generation chance to kick the Conservatives out of power and finally deliver the change our area so desperately needs.

Hampshire Chronicle: Danny Chambers

“This is one of the closest seats in the country. It’s clear that only the Liberal Democrats can beat the Conservatives in Winchester. It’s neck and neck here and every vote will count. 

“People are telling me they’re fed up with years of chaos under this out-of-touch Conservative government.

“After years of struggling to get a GP appointments, soaring rents and mortgages and our rivers being polluted by filthy sewage, it’s time for a change in Winchester.

"I think it's important for MPs to have real jobs before getting involved in politics. As a local vet, I speak to dozens of people every day, I'm part of our community, and I understand the challenges people are facing right now. 

“As the next MP for Winchester, I would fight for local health services here in Winchester, to tackle the sewage scandal and be a strong voice for our community in Parliament.”

Hannah Dawson, Labour's Parliamentary Candidate for Winchester, said:  "This General Election could not come soon enough - Winchester needs change. I've spoken to countless people in Winchester devastated by 14 years of Conservative Government. The cost of living crisis has bitten across the city as mortgages and rents have risen, and so many young people have shared with me that they are having to leave the city they grew up in and wanted to call home, because it's unaffordable.

"Other residents have faced huge waits for doctors appointments, and it's nigh on impossible to register with an NHS dentist. Meanwhile, climate change policies have been left by the wayside by the Tories - an issue I know is so important to residents here. Only by voting Labour can we bring the change this country, and our city, so desperately needs and deliver a brighter future for everyone."

A July election is earlier than many in Westminster had expected, with a contest in October or November widely thought to have been more likely.

Mr Sunak’s announcement came after the Office for National Statistics said Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation slowed to 2.3 per cent in April, down from 3.2 per cent in March.