Quadruple amputee Alex Lewis is about to embark on his biggest challenge to date - a world-first 350 mile row followed by a 650 mile cycle. 

The inspirational Hampshire dad, who had all four limbs amputated after contracting Strep A in 2013, has previously kayaked 300km down a South African river, hand cycled through the Simien mountains in Ethiopia and summited its highest mountain, not to mention thrashing a mobility scooter around the Namib desert. 

But he's never taken on such an epic challenge around the UK. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Alex Lewis is about to embark on his biggest challenge to date - Pig 2 Pig 2024

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So, on Sunday June 2, the non swimmer will sit inside his adapted boat, pick up his single oar and row from Falmouth Harbour to Dover, assisted by 20 different volunteer rowers and  joined by legendary sailor Sir Robin Knox-Johnston and Olympic gold medal winning rower James Cracknell. 

Back on dry land, Alex will cycle from Winchelsea to Bude, stopping at Pig hotels, schools and businesses along the way. 

During the month-long Pig to Pig 2024, Alex and his crew will spend 30 nights wild camping and hope to raise thousands for three causes close to his heart. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Alex Lewis is about to embark on his biggest challenge to date - Pig 2 Pig 2024

The event will give a boost to Alex's own FLOAT Foundation, which supports the education, development and implementation of assistive technology globally’ and the chosen charities of two men who changed his life. Pig hotelier Robin Hutson, who helped keep Alex's wife Lucy's business The Greyhound on the Test afloat while Alex was hospitalised, has chosen Hospitality Action and wheelchair manufacturer David Collinson is a big supporter of Hampshire paediatric intensive care charity the Murray Parish Trust.

And it could all be just a warm up for an attempt to row across the Atlantic in 2026.

Launching his latest challenge at The Pig in the New Forest, Alex, 44, from Stockbridge, said: "I've spent about ten hours of my life in a boat so far, and we're going straight into back to back 16 hour days. But I'm always game!

"It's my way of supporting three amazing charities, but also an attempt to achieve a world first.

"No quadruple amputee has ever rowed across the South of England, because the equipment and boat has never been designed - or re-designed!  With the help of Bath University and Rannoch Adventure this is now possible.

"Plus it’s 30 days of camping, fireside stories and a lot of chafing.  Bring it on!"

Hampshire Chronicle: Alex Lewis is about to embark on his biggest challenge to date - Pig 2 Pig 2024