Hampshire County Council has pledged support for the Local Government Association's (LGA) 'Debate Not Hate' campaign.

The campaign addresses the rising trend of abuse against local councillors, an experience shared by seven in 10 councillors in the past year according to the LGA's 2022 census.

The campaign aims to improve public understanding of councillors' roles, encourage decent debate, and enhance support for local politicians facing abuse.

The council also plans to work with the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Police and Crime Commissioner to establish a reliable system for reporting and handling threats against councillors and their families.

Leader of Hampshire County Council, Cllr Nick Adams-King said: "Councillors and other local politicians, regardless of their background or political affiliation should feel safe carrying out the role they were elected to fulfil and proud to represent their communities.

“Hampshire County Council takes a zero-tolerance approach to any form of language that compromises the safety and wellbeing of elected members and staff. As part of our stance on this important issue, I will be writing to the Minister for Local Government to ask for changes to legislation so that the home addresses of councillors are not published as a matter of course."