RESIDENTS are up in arms over plans to expand a care village onto a nearby field. 

Developer Inspired Villages held a public exhibition showing its proposal for phase four of Ampfield Meadows, which is currently under construction on the former North Hill Sawmill Yard in Baddesley Road, Flexford. 

The extension would add 48 further extra care units, bringing the total up to 196. 

Around 20 residents of nearby King Edward Park attended the exhibition, at Ampfield Golf Club on Tuesday, May 14, to present their objections. 

The site will be on an open field in a designated local gap, but it has been allocated 44 extra care units in Test Valley Borough Council's draft local plan up to 2040. 

Tim Deacon, chairman of King Edward Park Residents' Association, has lived in the area for 28 years and has major concerns over the scheme.

Hampshire Chronicle: Tim Deacon

READ MORE: Ampfield Meadows next phase permitted by Test Valley planners

Mr Deacon, 74, said: “There's nothing we can do about the existing site. The main concern is that we were told that the field would not be touched. We knew they were going to build on the main area. If the field was not going to be touched, we would be quite happy. There's so much wildlife there like slow worms, adders and grass snakes. All the woods are wetlands and we get a huge number of birds. 

“It's just so massive. It's going to be noisy. At the moment, it's just a green field. It's quiet, all we can hear is the wind rustling through the trees. We're looking at a nice, big green meadow. I still don't know how many car parking spaces will be allocated to that place because I know for a fact that Baddesley Road is dangerous. 

Hampshire Chronicle: Ampfield Meadows public exhibition

“I don't know how many cars will be coming out of there, but it will be 100 per cent more than there are at the moment. I feel sorry for the people who live by the field and will have to watch it go.”

The developers had information boards and maps to explain the proposals. One said: “This site offers a logical opportunity to extend delivery of care village accommodation that can be supported by the existing facilities being established on the adjacent site and due to open this year.

“The layout will differ from previous phases with clusters of lower density cottages and bungalows.”

The plans also show a 15m buffer to the boundary with Trodd's Copse site of special scientific interest. A planning application will follow in the next few months. 

Ellen Pearce, senior planning manager, from Inspired Villages said: “We’ve already received a great deal of interest in Ampfield Meadows and we look forward to welcoming our first residents later this year. 

“Because of this, and to help support the need for this type of accommodation in the area, we hope to submit a planning application to Test Valley Borough Council this summer for 48 additional homes. This need is recognised in the Test Valley Draft Local Plan and the site currently has a draft allocation for extra care homes. 

“Although each property has a dedicated parking space, we find in our current communities’ resident’s car usage actually reduces with many getting rid of their car completely during their time with us. This is due in part to our shuttle service for residents and our village facilities which include a restaurant, café, swimming pool, gym – all of which are open to the wider community. 

“Listening to the local feedback has always been a priority for us and we welcome views on our final stage of development. We have had 33 people attend our exhibition and we look forward to working with residents to ensure our scheme is sensitive to the needs of both current and future residents.”