I AM sure readers and the wider public will be delighted to know that the outcome of a recent week long OfSTED inspection by 10 inspectors examining primary and secondary initial teacher training is the unanimous award of the highest grade possible outstanding without any recommendations for improvement to the University of Winchester Institute of Education.

Some comments bear careful attention.

  • Highly ambitious and meticulously constructed primary programmes far exceed minimum expectations for training teachers.
  • Trainees benefit from programmes that support them in becoming rights-respecting, research informed teachers who think critically and embrace inclusive practices.
  • Trainees are very well supported to understand the realities and demands of teaching.
  • Staff are warm respectful and highly ambitious for their trainees.
  • High quality mentoring is remarkably consistent across the partnership.
  • Mentors faithfully follow agreed approaches supported by a highly effective team of link tutors.
  • Trainees develop a firm, well rounded grasp of teaching reading and training emphasises the importance of instilling a love of reading.
  • The highly ambitious curriculum espouses the use of pertinent, up to date research which prepares trainees extremely well in understanding approaches to pedagogy, safeguarding and behaviour management.

This is an incredible achievement for the University’s Institute of Education, its dedicated staff and the strong professional partnership with schools in Hampshire, Wiltshire, Sussex and further afield where students learn how to teach through the example of outstanding and experienced Mentors.

Students learn from skilled teachers and this unequivocal one-word judgment by OfSTED is thoroughly appropriate in these circumstances.

Peter Rees ,

Monarch Way,
