The charity, New Life Special Care Babies, has received a £1,500 donation from leading housebuilder David Wilson Homes.

The funds were used to purchase biliblankets for Winchester Hospital in Hampshire.

These devices, used for premature and sick babies with jaundice, provide phototherapy while maintaining a stable temperature The charity has previously supported thousands by equipping special baby units across the UK with such necessary neonatal equipment.

Biliblankets enables babies under phototherapy to cuddle with a parent or feed.

Trevor Goodall, CEO at New Life Special Care Babies, said: "We were delighted when David Wilson Homes got in touch to tell us they were donating £1,500.

Donations like this really help us to buy much-needed equipment and to respond to all of the requests we receive.

"The work New Life does is vital. It has bought equipment for over 20 neonatal units from Scotland to Cornwall. The equipment provided has supported thousands of premature and very sick babies.

"Raising money is always a big job. Most of our fundraising is from social and sporting events and we have a very full event calendar throughout the year. However, when we receive additional funds or sponsorship from organisations, it enables us to respond positively to even more requests from hospitals and Neonatal Consultants."