I am above frustrated about the drop off and pick up points at Winchester Train Station. 

The once largish drop off point is now half covered by concrete obstructions and the taxi rank. 

As soon as you approach the drop off point the taxis all move into the space blocking it. Then a bus will come hurtling up behind you beeping their horn to make you move which is incredibly difficult if you are letting an elderly or infirm person out of the car.

On collection the trains are seldom on time and finding close parking is a nightmare, I have parked opposite and waited ‘by’ but not ‘in’ the bus stop only to be harassed by a bus driver. He was hand on horn for me to move because there was another bus blocking his path.

Where are we supposed to park to wait for arriving travellers when the trains are late? And where are we expected to drop off train passengers? Not everyone can afford a taxi!

Andrea Morrison,
Freemantle Road,

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