Two new Corsac Foxes have joined the team at Sparsholt College and University Centre Sparsholt.

Lazlo and Nandor, the two new arrivals from Hamerton Zoological Park, are already making themselves at home in their new environment. 

They can be found nestled among the logs in the enclosure opposite Sparsholt’s Red Panda habitat.

@hampshire_chronicle The new corsac foxes at Sparsholt College are so cute we want to cry 😭 #winchester #foxes #wildlife ♬ original sound - Hampshire Chronicle

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A spokesperson said: "While they are not yet on student display, they're gradually getting accustomed to their surroundings and building confidence around people. Laszlo initially showed more boldness, but Nandor is quickly catching up as they engage in trust-building activities such as tong feeding.

"In the coming weeks, the Sparsholt team are excited to start introducing Laszlo and Nandor to student groups. This will provide an excellent opportunity for students to participate in their care, learn about their behaviour, and contribute to our ongoing efforts in animal husbandry."

Native to Northern and Central Asia, the Corsac Fox is known for its adaptability and intelligence. As opportunistic omnivores, they have a varied diet that includes meats, eggs, insects, and root vegetables.

Find out more about Animal Management Courses at Sparsholt College or Degree Courses at University Centre Sparsholt at the next open evening, Wednesday May 1, 5.30pm - 7.30pm. Book in advance at