MORE than 50 people turned up to hear more about setting up a community group focused on nature in Teg Down.

The event was the first open meeting about Nature Recovery Teg Down - Dean Lane and gave a strong vote of support for setting up the community group.

Dean Close resident Simon Eden led the workshop on March 23, explaining the vision behind the initiative and the ideas for a community-led programme.

After sharing thoughts about the area – what people liked and disliked – attendees worked together to compile priority areas for action.

Hampshire Chronicle: Nature Recovery Teg Down-Dean Lane

They then voted for the proposals that most interested them.

High scoring areas included: recording and monitoring local nature and wildlife; help with establishing nature-friendly gardens; sharing local knowledge and expertise; running a Nature
Recovery community notice board.

Simon and the core team of Teg Down and Dean Lane residents, Susie and Lex, and former local city councillor Anne Weir, are now pulling together all the material generated at the workshop.

They will report back by mid-April to everyone who attended, and to those who expressed interest but were unable to join, to suggest a start up programme for the spring and summer.

Winchester Town Forum supported this first event with a small grant.

To tap more support from the council, Nature Recovery Teg Down - Dean Lane will need to be formally constituted as a community group.

Anyone interested in helping do this – should contact