TEST Valley planners have permitted a new barn in a Hampshire village field. 

John Haxforth's new agricultural storage barn can be constructed in a field at Crookhill, Braishfield Road, on the outskirts of Romsey. 

It was permitted by Test Valley Borough Council's southern area planning committee on Tuesday, March 13. 

READ MORE: Romsey planning: Edwina Mountbatten House plan refused

In the planning officers' report, it said: “The proposed agricultural building is considered to be an essential form of development located in the countryside, which would not result in harm to the landscape setting of the area, to protected species, residential amenities and to highway safety. The scheme therefore accords with the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan (2016). In addition to this, it is has been assessed that the proposed development would not be contrary to the provisions of the Braishfield Village Design Statement.”

Braishfield Parish Council submitted an objection, but no speakers gave deputations. In its submitted objection, the parish council said: “While the need for a building of this size is questionable on an agricultural holding of this small size, if the applicant does need storage, then it would be better situated among the existing collection of buildings behind Jacobs Folly where access infrastructure already exists and which are screened and protected from prevailing weather by substantial existing woodland and hedging.”

The application was unanimously permitted.