ALRESFORD residents have protested at the proposed closure of the town’s tip.

As previously reported, Hampshire County Council is planning to shut several tips across the county, including Alresford, Bishop’s Waltham and Fair Oak to save money.

The council’s plan will also impact opening hours and days and change the type of waste accepted at other household waste recycling centres (HWRC). The county council predicts that the closure of the three tips, along with the Hayling Island and Hartley Wintney sites, would save approximately £500,000 per year.

Hampshire Chronicle: Protesters outside Alresford TipProtesters outside Alresford Tip (Image: Cam Appleby)The Alresford Lib Dems organised a “Save Our Tip” demonstration at the Alresford HWRC on Prospect Road on Saturday, January 20.

READ MORE: Councillors warn that plans to close tips could lead to more fly-tipping

Clare Pinniger, Liberal Democrat candidate for Winchester City Council, said: “We should be recycling more, not discouraging it by closing recycling centres. If the Alresford tip is closed this will mean less recycling and more car journeys.

“Fly-tipping is already a recurring problem in Alresford and the Itchen Valley and closure of the tip will inevitably lead to even more fly-tipping. The County’s proposal to scrap our recycling centre is bad for local people and it’s really bad for the environment.”

The protest organisers have also set up a petition to keep the tip open. To sign the petition, visit