IT'S a bizarre story - a city centre pub, the William Walker, has been dumping its rubbish in the yard off Upper Brook Street.

Since the summer pub staff have been carrying waste several hundred yards across the High Street to use the bins no longer used by Vodka nightclub which closed last year.

The rubbish has been spilling over the containers and becoming an eyesore and a danger as bin bags have been blocking emergency access.

READ MORE HERE: Anger at overflowing bins in Winchester city centre

Issues of waste are nothing new in this part of Winchester. In the 13th century Juliana de la Floude was a washerwoman who lived in Upper Brook Street, just yards from the current problem. She won an important legal battle over the common right to have access to clean water.

It shows that such environmental issues are nothing new and ongoing. The problem has worsened with the increase in the number of food and drink outlets.

The yard next to Vodka has since been cleared but it highlights the need for more attention to be given to solving this problem. The space near the top of St George's Street is similarly afflicted by unsightly bins.

The city council has been aware of this as an issue for many years but it needs to be a priority for the coming year.