A CITY councillor is objecting to a scheme to convert a building in Alresford into a healthcare practice.

The application, submitted by James Nuttall, is for Bowland House in West Street.

The proposal will be decided by Winchester City Council's planning committee on Tuesday, December 12. It has been recommended for permission. 

However, Alresford ward councillor Margot Power has concerns. In a comment submitted to the council, she said: “On paper this appears to be a good use of the existing building. However, the access to the building, and its parking and cycle spaces is via a very single road, which is shared with pedestrians, off a very busy pavement. Access to the site frequently causes reversing onto the pavement and on to the traffic stream on West Street when somebody comes the other way. As a treatment centre it is to be expected that there will be clients - with three practitioners that would be 48 additional traffic movements on that access road a day. That is unsafe and unacceptable.

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“Should you be minded to approve this application I ask that it be referred to committee, and that a site visit be organised on a weekday so that committee members can see the hazards for themselves. I would also ask that the Highways Authority be asked for a view.”

The scheme has also had 10 public objections. 

In the planning officers' report, it said: “The proposal is to change the use of Bowland house to be used as a healthcare practice. 

“This will offer private GP and other complementary healthcare services, such as physiotherapy to serve the local community. 

“The site is within the settlement boundary where development is acceptable in principle. 

“The use as a healthcare facility will bring a facility and service to central Alresford providing further economic opportunities and further employment to this area. 

“It is considered that it is an acceptable form of development in this location that would not result in detrimental harm on the character of the area and would not harm neighbouring residential amenity. There are no objections on highway safety grounds.”