ALRESFORD Rotary is running its annual Christmas tree sale in Broad Street in the town centre from 8am on Saturday, December 9.
The sale of the locally-grown trees will last until all the trees are sold.
The trees are Nordmann Premium four to six feet, £30-45; Nordmann Quality Popular, five to seven feet, £30-45; Norway Spruce, six feet, £24 (limited numbers).
Proceeds will go to local and international charities.
With great support from (amongst others) the primary schools in Alresford, West Meon, Cheriton, Ropley, and St. Peter’s, Winchester as well as Churches Together in Alresford, Old Alresford Mothers Union, Northington and Swarraton WI and New Alresford WI, Alresford Rotary collected 451 shoeboxes of Christmas gifts for disadvantaged and displaced children in eastern Europe were taken to Boscombe on November 11 to join 18,248 other boxes collected from the remainder of the Rotary Wessex District and which going to eastern Europe early in December, once customs formalities are completed.
Many of the boxes will be going to Ukrainian children who are refugees, as well as to children in need in Moldova, Montenegro, Poland and Romania.
Alresford Rotary thanks all who contributed to making Christmas special for the children, for many of whom their shoebox will be the first gift they have ever received.
Anyone interested in helping Alresford Rotary’s activities locally and internationally please see
PUSS in Boots, the panto in Old Alresford finishes this weekend.
TOADS is staging the panto at Christy Hall, tonight and tomorrow at 7.30p. There are two shows on Saturday, with a matinee at 2.30pm and the 7.30pm show. Tickets: £10.
ARLEBURY Christmas Party will be held at Arlebury Park in Alresford this Saturday, December 9, from 7pm.
Local DJ Andy Hebberd will spin the discs in the event which starts from 7pm. Tickets are £12.
SOLUTIONS to anti-social glass recycling are being sought in Alresford.
Councils are receiving complaints about the use of the bottle banks at the Station car park in the early morning and nighttime.
City councillors Margot Power and Russell Gordon-Smith are looking into solutions including acoustic fencing.
THE next Alresford Patients Forum will be held next month.
The event will be on Thursday January 18 at 6pm. Further details to be confirmed.
THE Friends of St Andrew’s Christmas Bazaar will take place on Saturday December 9, 2pm-4pm in Kilmeston Village Hall.
Go along and buy some Christmassy items, cakes, holly, mistletoe and have a cup of tea and some mince pies.
There will be a raffle and tombola too. Everyone welcome. For donations and more information, contact Rachel 01962 771998, Jane 771116 or Maureen 771910.
A COUNTRY lane near Alresford is due to be closed for more than 14 days.
Kitwood Lane, near Four Marks, is shut 8am-5pm from Monday November 27 for an estimated 18 days, between its junction with Kitwood Road and Hawthorne Road to allow for road works.
The county council, which made the closure order, suggests an alternative route of Hawthorne Road, Lyeway Lane and Lyeway Road.
ALRESFORD town chiefs have approved several financial requests.
The town council will give a grant of £1,000 to Citizens Advice in Winchester, £810 to the Alresford Community Defribillator Scheme and a request from Alresford Chamber of Commerce for £250 each towards the annual Ghost and Reindeer Hunt.
The council has also agreed to an electricity contract with Opus for two years.
SIX new cycle stands have been installed in Broad Street in Alresford.
The stands near Alresford Building Supplies have been funded by the Government Active Travel Initiative.
SEND us local news of community events from the Alresford area.
The patch stretches from the Candovers in the north to Kilmeston in the south and Tichborne in the west to West Meon in the east.
Email newsdesk@hampshire or call 01962 861860 (choose option 1).