Chocolate, chicken nuggets and avocados are among the food items Brits think could vanish from our plates within 100 years, according to new research.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the London North Eastern Railway (LNER) and the evolution of its onboard menu over the years, research has been commissioned into the future of food.

In total a thousand adults were surveyed about sustainability in food production and how food trends might change by 2123.

Some were open to reducing the amount of animal products they consume with 38% saying they would consider becoming vegetarian or vegan.

Hampshire Chronicle: Beef is one food item that could be overtaken by plant-based alternativesBeef is one food item that could be overtaken by plant-based alternatives (Image: Canva)

Additionally, a third (33%) predict that by 2123, there will be no such thing as an ‘unhealthy food’, thanks to genetic modification and food substitutes.

10 foods that Brits think will vanish from plates within 100 years

The top 10 foods that Brits think could disappear from our plates within 100 years include the following:

1. Seafood / Fish Fingers (36% of those surveyed think it could disappear) - algae-based seafood substitutes and lab-grown fish products could replace it

2. Chicken Nuggets (32%) - An uptake in other plant-based options such as soy or pea protein could take over

3. Beef (30%) - Plant-based burgers, mushroom-based patties, and lab-cultivated meat may be the go-to replacements for traditional beef to reduce environmental impact

4. Pork (28%) - Similar to beef, there could be plant-based or lab-grown pork alternatives  for pork-based dishes

5. Tofu (27%) - Alternatives like tempeh, seitan, or cultured plant proteins may step in as protein sources for those who once relied on tofu in their diet

Hampshire Chronicle: Tofu could be replaced by items such as tempeh or seitanTofu could be replaced by items such as tempeh or seitan (Image: Canva)

6. Honey (22%) - The honeybee population continues to decline, putting honey production in jeopardy

7. Avocados (20%) - The cost of flying avocados into the UK could mean they eventually vanish from plates

8. Chickpeas (16%) - Substitute legumes like lentils, black beans, and mung beans can offer similar nutritional benefits and versatility in place of chickpeas

9. Chocolate (11%) - Sustainable cacao may provide the same sweet and indulgent flavours as chocolate, but with a smaller environmental footprint

9= Milk (11%) - Plant-based milk alternatives such as almond, soy, oat, or pea milk could overtake dairy milk in popularity

Robin Fegen, Food Futurologist said: “In the year 2123, a multitude of factors are expected to contribute to the potential extinction of various foods.

"Whilst seafood and fish fingers may become scarcer due to stricter regulations to protect ocean biodiversity, chicken nuggets, beef, and pork could face reduced demand as society embraces plant-based alternatives to combat climate change and promote animal welfare.

“Meanwhile the avocado, a brunch staple, might become too expensive due to strained agricultural resources, reducing accessibility.

"Additionally, climate change could affect the cultivation of avocados – and chocolate - making them rarer treats.

"Therefore, it’s clear to see that shifts in what’s actually available, vast improvements in the technology of food production, and more conscious decisions as to what we’re eating, will reshape our food choices as we journey to 2123.”