I refer to the letters from Shirley Smith and Bill Leadbeater (Hampshire Chronicle, November 23).

Throughout Hampshire County Council's jurisdiction over highway parking there must be many people for whom the online system is unworkable, for various reasons.

I use technology but there are certain processes from which I am excluded because I am blind. 

The new visitors’ parking permit system is one of them.

After discussion with HCC and Mipermit (the company onto which HCC offloads its responsibility for this matter), I was promised, in September, that I shall still be issued with paper permits in future. 

I would urge anyone else in a similar position to make, and vigorously pursue, such a request.

My concerns, however, are that I have yet to receive written confirmation of the above promise, and should it be fulfilled the system may not recognise paper permits, and my visitors will be subject to the needless stress of being issued with unwarranted penalties.

I look forward to being reassured by HCC that this will not happen, and that I shall continue to use paper permits without hitch.

Keith Hatter,
Arthur Road,


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