Christmas trees getting put up, Christmas movies flooding out TVs, what more could one ask for! For the majority, Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, where people cherish their loved ones and look forward to the new year. However, for many, hearing those familiar Christmas carols awakes a sense of dread and hopelessness, as they prepare for yet another Christmas day alone, in the cold and suppressive walls of their home.


Whilst many are outside, putting up their decorations, others wistfully stare out their window, reminiscing about the times when they also were able to do so with their friends and family. Whether or not you realise it, many members of our society are trapped in an endless cycle of isolation, a feeling which is only then increased on Christmas day.


Salvation Army, a worldwide Church and charitable organisation, are one of the many charities who are providing company and care to those who need it the most. In Hedge End, Salvation Army provides a Christmas lunch annually for those who would otherwise be alone on the special day.


“Christmas is widely regarded as a time for family, and yet up to 1 in 6 find themselves alone. We want to give people in our community the chance to be with others. People matter, and our Christmas Day meal brings a lot of joy both to the guests who come along, and to those who volunteer and make this wonderful act of hospitality possible,” stated Ian Davis, Church leader of Hedge End Salvation Army.


But how can you help this issue? Well, luckily for you, there are numerous ways. Firstly, donating to charities such as the Salvation Army can do wonders, even if it’s just a tiny amount, everything goes toward a good cause. But alas, not everything has to be monetary! It may sound cliche, but kindness truly is the best gift one could receive at Christmas. You never know what someone is going through behind the scenes, and it doesn’t cost you a penny. Just by smiling at your elderly neighbour who lives alone, or perhaps even inviting someone to your Christmas lunch.


Christmas truly is the season of giving, so why don’t you invite those who generally sit on the sidelines to take part?