WINCHESTER’S newest gym is giving guests the chance to try out the studio for free throughout December.

Elevate Fitness Studio, in Andover Road, is opening its doors for the first time on Friday, December 1.

The owners are offering free access to everyone until the new year as a taster for what’s to come.

The studio, in Harman House, was previously the home of OrangeTheory, where Elevate founders Alfy Whittingham and Tom Donaldson met as coaches.

The experienced personal trainers are hoping to bring something new to the fitness industry with a fresh approach to membership and training.

Hampshire Chronicle: Elevate founders Alfy Whittingham and Tom DonaldsonElevate founders Alfy Whittingham and Tom Donaldson (Image: Elevate Fitness Studio)

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The group training sessions use advanced technology and are centred around improving strength, mobility and cardio fitness. The sessions are either 60 or 45 minutes and led by experienced coaches.

Unlike other class-led gyms, members can also access the studio outside class times and there will always be a personal trainer available to work one-to-one with the members.

Co-founder Alfy Whittingham said: “Our experience at OrangeTheory showed us that people liked the technology and training style it offered but they also wanted something more for their money.

“We are taking a more personal approach and offering training beyond classes. We have created session templates that adapt to all fitness levels, and we’ll work directly with our members to encourage and support them on their fitness journeys.”

For more information or to sign up for 31 days of free access throughout December go to