The clock in Winchester High Street (near the Ivy restaurant), has been showing one minute to midnight for many, many weeks. That's all it ever shows.

Being as we're in the pantomime season, I think Cinderella is the culprit behind this stopped clock.

Cinderella has been to the ball. She has danced enchantingly, with the handsome Prince.

Oh, what a night she's had!

Oh, how romantic it has been!

Strictly's Craig Revel Hall, would have given Cinderella a 10, for her beautiful, enchanting dancing.

La, la, la. Cinderella has to get home before midnight, otherwise her beautiful, elegant dress will turn back to rags; her coach will turn back into a pumpkin; and her horses will turn back into dormice.

"Oh, I'm having such a lovely time, at the ball," says Cinderella. "It's so romantic! The Prince is really 'fit'! I don't want it to stop. La, la, la, I'm so happy!" says Cinderella.

So, Cinderella has stopped the clock in Winchester High Street, at 1 minute to midnight, to keep her dream continuing. La, la, la.

Look, Cinderella, we're all glad that you've had a lovely, lovely, romantic evening, with a Prince.

We're all glad that you've got out of the house and away from all your horrible chores and your horrible ugly sisters.

But Cinderella, when us Winchester residents look up at this clock in Winchester High Street, we need to be able to see the correct time - not just it continuously saying one minute to midnight, to satisfy your dreams.

The amount of times I've looked up at that clock and it 'still' says one minute to midnight!

So Cinderella, please fix the clock in Winchester High Street, so that it says the correct time. 

If Cinderella can't fix this stopped clock, then can Winchester City Council?

Thank you. La, la, la.

Paul Hickey,

Badger Farm,


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