The Liberal Democrats claim to support the objective of delivering 1,000 new affordable homes in the district. 

An objective introduced by us when we were running the city council and supported by a new homes team to deliver the much needed homes. 

So why did they vote against their own council scheme to deliver eight new homes in Dyson Drive, Abbots Barton recently? Apparently because they believed the open space was more valuable than the homes and there was insufficient mitigation offered. What a complete shambles and an absolute waste of public money bringing the decision forward and then rejecting it themselves.

However don’t be fooled. In the current draft Local Plan they propose building tens of new homes on green fields instead of brown in our district. When the Liberals knock your door over the coming weeks ask them whether they are for homes or open space and green fields in the district. I doubt you will get a straight answer, but we have seen them in their true light.

Cllr Caroline Horrill,
Leader of the Conservative Group,
Winchester City Council

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