A MOTORIST who killed a teenage motorcyclist after pulling out of a junction was driving carelessly, a jury has found.

Christine Heynes, 61, was found guilty of causing the death of 17-year-old Aaron Dennis at Southampton Crown Court on Friday, November 10. 

She had been travelling to tend to horses nearby when she pulled out of Chapel Lane onto Botley Road in Curdridge at about 6pm on January 14 last year. 

In the dark, Heynes had seen the headlight of Dennis' black Yamaha but thought she had enough time to pull out. 

The bike crashed into her VW Caddy before continuing to skid 40 metres down the road. 

The teenage victim was thrown off the bike.

READ MORE: Driver on trial over teenager's death is 'devastated'

Heynes told the court she didn't know what had hit her at the time and only realised what had happened when she saw Dennis lying face down in the road. 

He was taken to Southampton General Hospital with "extensive" injuries to his head and brain but died the following day. 

The verdict came after a three-day trial and around a day and a half of deliberations. 

Prosecuting, Barry McElduff described this as "a sad and tragic case" adding that Heynes had "failed to take extra care when turning from Chapel Lane".

“She either didn’t see Mr Dennis, or misjudged what it was coming towards her."

READ MORE: Hampshire teenager died in crash, Southampton Crown Court told 

Botley Road has a 40mph speed limit but Dennis was estimated to be driving between 55 and 63mph, according to experts - a speed described as "grossly excessive" by Heynes' barrister, Richard Dawson. 

But Mr McElduff added: "That does not absolve Ms Heynes of her responsibility to drive with due care and attention."

Heynes rang the emergency services after the crash. 

Speaking at the trial, she said: "It was a blur. I couldn’t talk properly to the operator. I’m devastated about the collision.

“I can only imagine how much pain and suffering [the family] has been through. I have children. I honestly don’t believe I was to blame for what happened.”

She has been released on bail and is due to be sentenced on December 8.