SCHOOL crossing patrols across Hampshire could be axed as part of a budget proposal which aims to save the council £1.1m. 

The proposal is part of Hampshire County Council’s bid to reduce its expenses over the next few years and reduce its £132m financial gap in its 2025/26 budget.

With no expected forthcoming government financial support, the council has consulted on a number of proposals that could save it £90.4m. 

However, the authority warned these cuts may not go far enough - and said more will be needed. 

As a result, the council is considering reducing or finishing most non-statutory services in the county, including school crossing patrols. It said this could save £1.1m. 

If its plans are approved, Hampshire County Council says it will assess each school’s situation and find an alternative where possible.

The proposal was not welcomed by a parent from Aldershot, Lisa Greenway, who told the Universal Services Select Committee on September 18 that the ‘lollipop person’ represents more than a safety value.

Mrs Greenway said: “Thousands of children in Hampshire use school patrols every. For many, the lollipop man or lady is the first familiar face the child sees daily. The school crossing patrol is not just a safe value. They are so much more.

“Many children walk to school, often without their parents who are working. Many of them walk many roads only just to be stopped by the crossing patrols and then to cross safely. As we educate children, they are just that, children. Many would not concentrate on the environment around them. Without the lollipop person, children’s safety would be put in danger.

“Schools rely on school crossing patrol since they are a safe barrier for children who walk to school. Many drivers respect their authority, and unfortunately, others don’t respect the wish of a child who wants to cross. Children do not have the experience to assess, as we adults have, they are at more risk.

“Could Hampshire afford the cost of increased accidents, there, I said, numerous fatalities? If this cut is through, could you really sleep at night if a child is killed as a result of the lack of school crossing patrols?”

Mrs Greenway also pointed out that the public consultation held during the summer did not reach everyone as people without internet could not submit their views on the proposal. 

Another resident, Bill O’Donnovan, said that the end of the service could see more parents taking their children to school by car, increasing carbon emissions. 

Councillor Stephen Reid urged the council to fund the service from savings until each school had been properly consulted. 

Cllr Reid said: “Take the £1.1m out of the savings. Take the review and speak with the schools and parents. Otherwise, people would think this is a shameful consultation because money is taken already."

Executive lead member for universal services, Councillor Nick Adams-King, said it was a difficult decision to make.

He said: “None of us want to do this job and be elected to take this decision. But this is not the end of the process, this is the beginning. Some proposals still need further consultations.

“We need to take a holistic approach, look at the reports, the impacts and the assessments that we have to the different proposals. We have a situation where, unusually, as a council, we work two years ahead.

“We have the responsibility to get children to school safely, but maybe there are practical things that can do that mean we don’t need the school crossing patrol at some places, but maybe in other sites, there won’t be possible not to have them around.

“A lot of work is yet to be done.”

Cllr Adams-King gave the green light to send the proposed cuts to the full cabinet in November.

If approved, further steps will include undertaking assessments of each school crossing patrol in Hampshire to determine whether alternative safe measures could be put in place, enabling the provision to be withdrawn.