WINCHESTER civic chiefs are cutting back on money spent on refurbishing play areas across the city.

The town forum budget for revamping the numerous play areas is being reduced because of the squeeze on council spending.

Steve Lincoln, service lead community, told the town forum the aim was to refurbish every play area every 20 years.

But the council has undertaken a review to the capital cost of the programme and also defer costs where possible until a later date.

The current five-year programme to run until 2027-28 is budgeted to cost £714,000.

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No target has been set for cost reduction and detailed proposal will be brought to the next town forum in November.

It means the council will take a different approach, replacing some equipment when required but retaining others if in a good and safe condition. In the past in the once-every-20-years revamp perfectly good equipment has been taken away.

Councillors on the town forum hailed the importance of the 24 playgrounds in the city.

Cllr Kathleen Becker said: "These areas offer physical benefit for children and mental health benefit for parents. They are a place to meet and create some sort of community as children run around you. When they closed during Covid people suddenly realised how important they were."

Cllr Mark Reach, forum chairman, said: "My family come from all over the country and always remark how good the play areas are in Winchester."

Cllr Kelsie Learney said as the budget for regular refurbishment would reduce the budget for reactive work would have to increase.

She said the piecemeal approach may be more popular with parents, rather than "ripping out entirely once every 20 years."