A LAWYER has appealed Winchester City Council’s rejection of his application to allow unrestricted flights from his helipad in Durley.

Mayus Karia, of Stapleford Lane, is still fighting for permission to fly in clients to his 1.3m home.

Mr Karia originally applied for planning permission with no more than two round-trips per month between 8am and 6pm, which was approved by the city council in March.

But planning officers firmly denied his latest plans for ‘unrestricted flights’, following more than 20 angry objections over the potential noise and disruption to the quiet village.

Less than a week after the rejection notice on August 30, Mr Karia confirmed to the Chronicle that he has appealed to the Planning Inspectorate.

READ MORE: Plans for ‘unrestricted flights’ from garden helipad refused following village anger

The revised planning application read: “Helicopters may operate from the gardens of private houses without planning consent provided the landing site is within the curtilage of the property.

“All measures addressed in the Civil Aviation Act 1982 and the Air Navigation Order 2000 will be compared allowing flexibility of irregular visits by some clients Number of irregular round-trip landings to be with the helicopter stored elsewhere.”

The city council’s rejection notice read: “The unrestricted use of the helipad and helicopter landings results in unacceptable additional noise and disturbance impacts upon neighbouring dwellings. The site is within a rural area and the unrestricted use has a harmful effect on the rural tranquillity of the area.”