A WORTHY Down soldier died after he was hit by a car near Winchester, an inquest heard.

Robert Myers, who was from Lisburn in Northern Ireland, died on September 21 at Southampton General Hospital.

The inquest, at Winchester Coroners' Court on Wednesday July 5, head that Mr Myers was hit by a black BMW One Series on Down Farm Road near Headbourne Worthy, on September 18 last year.

Mr Myers, 39, was described as being 'happy-go-lucky' by his mother, Rosemary Myers.

Mrs Myers said: “He had lots of friends. He excelled at table tennis and he represented the British Army. He took great pride in that. Throughout his life, he was an all-round sportsman. 

“He was originally in the Irish Reserve Army, where he was the best recruit in 2001. He joined the British Army in 2015, following in the footsteps of his great-grandfather. He was a bundle of fun.”

READ MORE: What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

The inquest heard that the driver of the BMW was Pavlos Conway. In a statement read by area corner Jason Pegg, Mr Conway said: “Mr Myers stepped out on the left side of the road, from a footpath. He was carrying a black bag and he was smiling at his mobile phone. I was breaking sharply, but he was oblivious to me.”

The inquest heard that Mr Myers tried to avoid the car by running across the road, but hit the car's windscreen. 

Mr Pegg said: “Mr Myers was serving in the Royal Logistic Corps. On the day he died, it seems to me that he was using his mobile phone. He emerged onto Down Farm Lane through the foliage, which hid him from the view of the approaching BMW. 

“The driver did what he could to avoid him, but it was impossible to avoid.”

The coroner said the cause of death was by a road traffic collision and gave the family his 'sincere condolences'.